“Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature. Old things are passed away; behold, all things become new.”

– 2 Corinthians 5:17 (KJV)


Fort Worth Adult & Teen Challenge for Women, a nationally accredited Teen Challenge incorporated program, started in the hearts of Larry and Larice Adley in 1976. For more than forty-eight years, Larry, Larice, and the anointed staff have helped many women find healing, hope, and peace in Jesus Christ.

It is our purpose to rehabilitate women, teaching them Christian principles on which to base their lives, and ultimately placing them back into society as productive contributors.

Fort Worth Adult & Teen Challenge is a sanctuary for women struggling with addiction to escape to and heal. Our ministry team guides women through our live-in residential program to aid in finding their true purpose in Christ, leading to restoration and a new chance at a fulfilling life.

Our consistent schedule of Bible studies, class work, prayer, job schedule, and activities offer women opportunities to rebuild character and overcome their struggles. Our homey atmosphere, which is casual yet disciplined, allows for one to feel truly loved, giving the freedom to open up without fear of rejection. We offer a safe, drug-free home to live in full time with all food and basic needs cared for, allowing women to truly focus on their inner health and recovery.


Click to watch real women’s testimonies


The Fort Worth Teen Challenge program is based on these four principles:


There is always hope, no matter what has a hold on you.


Sin, not drugs, alcohol, etc., is the major root problem.


The only cure for sin and its symptoms is Jesus Christ.


Christ within you, which we call the JESUS FACTOR.

Teen Challenge is different from other agencies and rehabilitation programs only in the fact that Jesus is the center of everything we do. Jesus is THE factor that produces these results. 


As a long-term residential program, we focus on a "home" type of atmosphere, playing down any resemblance to institutionalism. Our facility is welcoming and comfortable, giving women a space to call home through the duration of their time with us.


We are the Fort Worth branch of the official Adult & Teen Challenge incorporation. With more than 215 residential centers within the US and Canada, Adult & Teen Challenge (ATC) is a faith-based non-profit headquartered in Ozark, Missouri. Click here to learn more.

  • Our program is for teens 18+ and women of all ages. It is intended for women battling with substance addictions, seeking freedom from these to build a new life.

  • Adult & Teen Challenge is a discipleship program where each lady must have a sincere desire to be here and want change. She must be willing to follow the house guidelines and schedule. After downloading and filling out our screening form on this site please send it to You will be contacted to begin the interview process. Each lady must be interviewed and accepted before she is put on the waiting list.


  • All of our services are free except for the following entrance fees:

    Entrance Fee (paperwork processing)- $50.00 (non-refundable)

    Health Screening Fee- $185.00

    Personal Needs Money- $40.00 to open an account

    Being a non-profit organization, we are locally supported and dependent entirely on free-will gifts and contributions from churches of various denominations, local businesses, corporations, and individuals in general. We do not receive any funding from the state or federal government.

  • The program is designed to last twelve or more months because there needs to be a definite cultural change which can only be facilitated over an extended period of time. Upon entry, the lady will receive contract work, for which she is accountable, classes she must attend, and responsibilities around the house. Each lady is required to complete eight contracts. 

    After finishing the eight contracts, the lady will move to the Re-Entry part of the program where she will work outside the home while continuing to live at the house. During this phase, each lady will continue to be mentored by the staff to make sure she is still growing in her relationship with the Lord while successfully acclimating back into society as a functioning member.

    Upon completion of the Re-Entry phase, the lady will graduate from the Teen Challenge program. This is a special time to honor the hard work and celebrate her new life and her continuing growth in the Lord.

    After Graduation, the staff keeps in contact with the Graduate for a period of one year. This follow-up period provides added stability for our graduates and offer our assistance and reinforces the fact that we care about what happens to our Graduates.

  • The “cure rate” refers to the percentage of those completing a rehabilitation program who remain drug free for at least five years. Because of the Teen Challenge emphasis on spiritual rebirth, social scientists were skeptical of the cure rate claimed by Teen Challenge. In 1974, the National Institute on Drug Abuse approved a very large grant for the purpose of researching Teen Challenge graduates who had completed the program five years previous. Dr. Catherine Hess, M.D., M.P.H., a noted authority who had directed the initiation of the methadone program in New York State, was selected to head the independent survey conducted by the National Opinion Research Center of the University of Chicago. The study took several years to complete and the results were astounding! They showed that 86% of the Teen Challenge graduates were still drug free more than seven years following completion of the program. This governmental study concluded with this statement, “…Teen Challenge is most successful with youngsters who are seeking some meaningful anchor or support system in their lives and are able to find it in an religious experience…It appears reasonable to conclude that involvement with Teen Challenge associated with dramatic changes in behavior for a substantial number of heroin users.”

  • God has provided us with a beautiful L-shaped home which is located near downtown Fort Worth. Among the features of Fort Worth Teen Challenge (more fondly known as “The Center”) are the following: a comfortable living room complete with fireplace, double French doors leading into the family-style dining room, a fully equipped kitchen, a specially designed laundry area, a spacious classroom with individual study areas, several bedrooms which accommodate two to four people each, six bathrooms, a Re-Entry suite, and inviting office and counseling spaces.

  • The curriculum is specifically designed to teach women about God and help you develop the skills required to redefine your purpose in Him.

    The curriculum portion of the program is comprised of eight contracts, or classwork, that must be completed in order to move on to the Re-Entry phase of the program and finally Graduation. Each contract consists of scripture memory, character quality studies, personal readings, projects, audiotapes, videotapes, and other coursework. Under the careful and intimate instruction of the classroom teachers, every contract is personalized to the specific areas of healing and growth of each lady.

    In addition to the contract coursework, there are Devotions, Group Studies, GROW Class, Individual Counseling, LIFE Class, Parenting Class, and SPIRIT Class.

  • Weekly and daily duties are required to help teach the women to be functioning and contributing members of society. Each chore helps teach intrinsic housekeeping skills and responsibilities that provide structure that produces a productive member of society at Re-Entry. These responsibilities are the same duties one would be responsible for in their own home, so it is vital to prepare women for their new independent life.

    Everyone who lives in the house will have assigned chores that she is responsible for every day. In addition to her coursework, each lady will perform her job assignment within the house that ensures that the house and the grounds are kept up.

    Since we do not allow the ladies to work outside the home until they are in Re-Entry, these small duties are important to keep our home clean and orderly as well as to show respect for what has been provided.

To apply, submit screening form to